Why am I so excited about October?
Because it's Down syndrome awareness Month!!
Well, that, and Rhett is going to be 4 in 6 days too....wahoo!!! We're really shooting for NOT being in the hospital this year on his birthday. :D
So I will be posting every day this month about our little guy, 31 days for Trisomy 21.
Today I would like you to help out though. Please leave a comment telling me either one fact about Down syndrome, or one way that Rhett has changed your life.....and remember to hug someone you love with Down syndrome!!!

Rhett has shown love in the purest form...when I don't feel good or I'm tired or complaining, I try to remember all that he has gone thru and realize I have nothing to complain about. Thank you for showing me patience, kindness, and hope. Suzie
Rhett is too damn cute.. His personality shines threw the bad times and the good... a fighter determined never to give up... and a caring mom, determined to never give up right along side him!
October 15th is National White Cane Safety Day... remember to mind the white cane when driving and walking... Blind persons with a cane or dog, ALWAYS has the right of way... :-)
Man, that kid's good lookin'!! :o)
(You gonna get in on The List at Tricia's for 31 for 21?? http://unringingthebell.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/10/31-for-21-day-one.html)
There is wide variation in mental abilities, behavior and physical development in individuals with Down syndrome. Each individual has his/her own unique personality, capabilities and talents.
(my favorite factoid on the subject)
Before Emilia was even born I was lurking around your blog. I was completely blown away by the happiness in Rhett's face. I don't even remember how I got here. Probably saw your button on someone's blog.I just remember the smiles. It gave me some real hope for our future. Thanks!!!
I don't know a whole lot about Down Syndrome, but I can tell you how Rhett's life has bettered ours. Without you working with Rhett on signing time, I would have never known how well babies and toddlers really can sign and especially about Baby Signing Time. We've had speech therapy for 2 months now and have worked REALLY hard with Nathan to get him to talk and sign. Nathan has 15 signs that he does on a regular basis now! He says Mama occasionally as his ONLY word. What a blessing your family has been to ours! Thank you!
cool all days posting I am glad I am not alone
Ever since I've been reading about Rhett's story, the thing that strikes me the most is the determination and the fight that he has when he goes through difficult times. His smile always makes me melt, too! He is a wonderful little guy, and I'm glad to know him through your stories!
What a sweet boy you have. His smile makes me melt. Rhett is such an amazing little guy and has a mommy that's just as amazing!
Rhett has taught me what it's like to really fight! Fight to live, fight to learn, fight to do normal things such as school! He has also taught me that love is purely unconditional and should always be that way. I love your little guy!
Posting here every day in October for Down Syndrome? What happened with that?
It gave me some real hope for our future. Thanks!!!
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