4 years ago
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Fuzzi Bunz Review and Give Away!!
Rhett is a huge fan of anything soft and fuzzy. He loves his Minky Blankets, and totes them around with him everywhere he goes. He sleeps on a giant blue Minky Blankie that our beautiful friend Michelle gave him.
Forget sheets. This kid sleeps on Minky.
I know, he's totally spoiled. After everything he's been through though, I think he deserves to sleep like a king.
So when we started our Cloth Diaper journey and we came across Fuzzi Bunz, I just knew Rhett's tush needed to try them out. I only bought one because we had tried some other brands and I wasn't too impressed with them. But these things have the softest inside I have ever seen. Rhett would totally pack these babies around the house if I would let him.
~But you know, they are diapers, and I know what happens when they are on his tush. No way am I gonna let him pack them around. Clean or not. (But especially not.)
Anyhow. Tereson,who invented Fuzzi Bunz - awesome lady BTW, was kind enough to let me review her products.
Bless her heart, she sent us a box full of goodies for Rhett, and we have talked back and forth about some other products that she is in the process of working on. She is in the process of developing a whole line of products for kids with special needs, as well as active adults with incontinence issues.
I am loving this since we live in a house full of pee pee monsters. All of my boys have bladder issues, and they can't do sleep overs since Good Nights make them sound all crinkly. I know. It's so embarrassing.
What an awesome thing to have for my kids so that they can be normal kids, and go to sleepovers. I really may just buy stock in her company.
I told you she is amazing, didn't I?
I know many kids with Down syndrome have super sensitive skin, and I am telling you that since we got these diapers, and Rhett has been wearing them on a consistent basis, his skin has never been better.
Since Tereson is such a sweetheart, she has graciously offered to give away a set of three diapers of any size and any color to 1 lucky reader.
Winning is super easy, and there's a bunch of different ways. here's how.
1. Go to the Fuzzi Bunz Website and look around. Come back and leave a comment telling me what 3 colors you would choose if you were to win. ~ 3 Entries
2. Follow my blog ~ 1 Entry
3. Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter. ~ 1 Entry
4. Link to The Bird Flock in a post on your blog about this giveaway. ~1 Entry
This Contest is open to all US residents and will end on February 21, 2009
Good luck!
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Okay, I like the sage, periwinkle, and green.
I already follow you and will talk about your giveaway in today's post.
You are so much better than I for using cloth diapers!
I am wondering though, what sizes do they make for older kids? I have a four year old who is potty trained, but ever since she got a UTI a couple of months ago can't control her bladder at night. I hate buying Good Nights for her because they are so expensive. Have you used any on your older boys? What was your experience?
I have been looking to buy some of these for awhile, but just haven't had the money... :( I would choose the periwinkle, royal blue and my son chose orange. My fingers are crossed!!
I am now following your blog. Now if only I could figure out how to link on twitter... that may take a few minutes... ARGH!
I just signed up to follow your blog. I don't have a blog of my own to blog about your giveaway, but I'm going to link you on a private message board that I'm on. I would pick the sage, orange, and yellow. I like the gender neutrals. :)
Megan & Abby (T21)
I figure out how to do the link! YEAH! I follow you on twitter, too!
I'll tweet about it to send some traffic your way, but Grayson is almost completely potty trained so I don't need to enter this one! Woohoo!!
E LOVED the FuzziBuns!! It's almost too bad she's out of diapers almost completely! Well, not TOO bad, but I miss FuzziBuns!
Butter, Red, Orange, Blue or White. Color really doesn't matter as long as it is suitable for a little boy. Size Medium. I am following your blog, I follow you on twitter and will tweet this.
I would so go for Orange, Purple and Green of course! But I don't what size
Would love the sage, orange or Purple...
They sound great...
Love the orange, apple green, and royal blue... I will twitter and I already follow :) LOVE the giveaway! You rock!
Those look neat! If they come in size 4/5 to 6, we'd love to get these for the night time side of our world...during the day, undies are fine but we're nowhere near night time training...color choice: royal blue, apple green and orange...I follow your blog all ready for the Signing Time giveaway...I'll try to do a post and come back to let you know...thanks for doing these!
Periwinkle, apple green and orange are my favorite colors.
YiddishBitterRose at gmail dot com
Tweet: http://twitter.com/ReizaM/status/1195872718
That's a tough one. I think my fave's are the apple green, butter, and aqua.
I'm a follower!
I would chose the one size in red, baby pink and bubblegum for my grand daughter.
I'd pick apple green, green and bubblegum.
Great giveaway!
Great giveaway. I would love the daisy red, royal blue, and daisy blue.
Among all of your high praises for these great looking diapers, they are also great for the parents who are going green.
I have never tried these, but by the sounds of your review, they are great.
thanks for the giveaway
threadbeaur [at] yahoo dot com
I love the Daisy Green, Periwinkle and bubblegum!
I just found you through the blogfrog and have enjoyed reading about your family!
I love your blog and all your updates! I am now following your blog so that I can stay up to date!
threadbeaur [at] yahoo dot com
I'm VERY new to your blog. Found you when you guest posted for Renee. I am going to start following your blog. I'm glad I found you! I will also be linking to you on my blog. I would love to get cloth diapers for my ultra allergenic daughter, but I would also like to use them, if necessary, for my son when he comes home from Eastern Europe. Anyway, if I win, I would want gender neutral colors. I think I like the baby blue, orange and apple green. Maybe my night time wetter would like to use them too?!!?
i came over from renee's blog. i loved the post your son wrote. so cute. i have just started using cloth diapers. and LOVE the fuzzi bunz. i actually did a whole post on my cloth diapering. anywho. i LOVE all the colors. i have two girls and a son in diapers. so i'd have to pick gender neutral so when my son gets bigger he can wear them...i love the periwinkle and butter and also the aqua. yay to cloth diapering. I LOVE IT! i also love the fuzzi bunz, and how blessed are you that you get to work with the lady. i'm almost jealous! :0) oh and i'm becoming a follower.
I like the Aqua, Royal blue and Red. The sound interesting to try.
ALso, I am not following you!
I like the red, royal blue, green and turquoise diapers. I lovecloth diapering and in a few months will add a newborn to our mix, he's our 6th!
I add you to my feed reader as well.
Christine @ Live to Learn
Green, bubblegum, periwinkle!
Following your blog.
I'd love to get my hands on the Apple green, Tourquouis and orange. I love the brightness of those.
I'm also a new follower :)
These look great, and my son has eczema and these look like they would be comfortable for him! I would choose:
1. Royal Blue
2. Orange
3. Green
I love the Bubblegum, Tourquouis, and Daisies Blue.
Great giveaway!
Miss Amanda
The Daily Planet
I am a follower of your site now!
Miss Amanda
The Daily Planet
I like the sage, butter and baby pink. Thanks for the chance!
I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance! I would choose red, apple green and periwinkle.
I think I would pick sage, aqua, butter yellow so they would be fairly gender neutral.
I have two boys, both in disposables. I am striving to be more green but haven't made the cloth diaper leap yet. Bad Marin!
Amazing giveaway..and great picturs!!
I am pregnant with my second and have decided to do cloth diapers but know how expensive it can be to get started!
I would love the aqua, green, and turquoise!
Thank you SOOO much for this chance!
I'm NOW following you! :)
Thanks again for the chance!
I am currently using BumGenius diapers, but we have had some rash issues with them. I think I'm almost done solving it, but I would LOVE to try Fuzzi Bunz!
I follow you.
I forgot to say what colors I like! Sage, Butter, and White. I also didn't know they came out with a one sized diaper too! Have you tried the one size? I'm totally interested in that now!
I also have your button now.
I would love the green, orange and torquoise for my twins due in June:) I'm also retweeting your contest in twitter (Parents4Change). Good Luck everyone:)
I'd love the royal blue, orange, and red. It would be great to try these out as we've always just been a prefold & wrap family.
Gonna go Twitter the giveaway too. I'm @sweetbabboo.
I would get red for all three-those are our school colors :) My new son has crazy sensitive skin, so I'd love to try some that seem to work for that. Thanks!
I LOVE Cloth Diapers!!
We had one Fuzzi Bunz to try out in the beginning for our first but it wasn't our favorite. Since then the design has changed and I think I might really love them!! :)
I would choose Apple Green, Aqua, and Orange just to have some different colors in our stash for the twins coming soon ... 2 more boys!!!
I will be posting this giveaway!!
I'd choose red daisies, bubblegum, and turquoise. I LOVE fuzzibunz, I have 2 of the old style and would be thrilled to try the new ones.
If I were to win I would love daisies lavender, baby pink, and bubblegum for Olivia!
I hope Rhett is feeling better soon!
I'd love-love
Bubblegum, baby pink & lavendar for my niece!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
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